Aligning CSS Divs with Changing Content

Can someone help me with a CSS and DIV tags issue? I have a dynamic webpage and need guidance on creating a container DIV. Depending on the scenario, this container DIV will either hold one DIV with 50% width that needs to be centered or two side-by-side DIVs each taking up 50% width.

I've attempted using float:center and overflow:hidden, which works for a single DIV but not for two as they stack vertically. When I use float:left, the two DIVs display correctly but the single DIV is aligned to the left instead of centered.

If anyone has suggestions on how to achieve this layout effectively, I would greatly appreciate it!

<div style="width:800px; margin: 2px; background-color:blue">
    <div style="width:50%; background-color:orange;">
    <div style="width:50%; background-color:red;">

Check out this jsFiddle link

Answer №1

When considering a scenario with two divs:

<div style="width:800; margin: 2px; background-color:blue; display: table;">
    <div style="background-color:orange; display: table-cell;">
    <div style="background-color:red; display: table-cell;">

Now, if we switch to a one-div scenario:

<div style="width:800; margin: 2px; background-color:blue; display: table;">
    <div style="background-color:orange; display: table-cell;">

In both situations, whether there are 1 or 2 inner divs, they will collectively occupy 100% of the outer div's width. It functions similarly to a <table> element without explicitly using a <table>.

Answer №2

take a look at this interactive demo

HTML code:

<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="divholder"> 
        <div style="background-color:orange;">DIV 1</div>
        <div style="background-color:red;">DIV 2</div> 

CSS code:

.divholder div{
.divholder {
    margin: 0 auto;

This solution addresses your specific requirement. When there is only one div, it will be centered, and if there are two divs, they will be evenly divided and aligned to the left. You can view the demonstration here.

Answer №3

Similar to chharvey's response, you can accomplish this elegantly using the CSS property display: table;

In my scenario, the content is horizontally centered and adjusts seamlessly with any number of columns within the div.wrap. The height of each column is set to 100%, but this can be customized as needed.

Check out a demo on jsBin!


<div class="wrap">
    <div class="column">
    <div class="column">


html,body {
    height: 100%;

.wrap { 
    display: table;
    width: 800px; 
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0 auto;

.column {
    display: table-cell;
    background: #FF0;
.column:first-child {
    background: #F00;

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