Center align text in the uib-progressbar

Is it possible to center align text in the uib-progressbar? I attempted using position:absolute, but I would like to display a list of progress bars in a UI grid that includes scrollable content. The goal is for the text to remain fixed while the progress bars scroll as needed.


<uib-progressbar animate="false" value="30">
    <span class="content">30% (3/10)</span>


.progress-bar .content {
   white-space: nowrap;
   position: absolute;
   left: 23vh; /* adjustment based on alignment */

Answer №1

Could you please share the CSS class 'content' with us?

Regardless, if your intention is to have the text "30% (3/10)" centered on the progress bar regardless of its value.

You can add a CSS class to your progress bar as shown below:

.progress {
       position: relative;

.progress span {
    position: absolute;
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    color: black;

Your code should look like this:

<uib-progressbar animate="false" value="30" class="progress">
    <span class="content">30% (3/10)</span>

I've set up a JSBin for reference. This solution should be effective.

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