CSS: Apply unique padding to the last element without the use of additional classes

My challenge involves a div housing three images, each about 31% in width. The goal is to have padding between them, with the final image having no right padding so that collectively they match the width of a larger image above.

Here's an example...

Is there a way to create a specific class variant (selector or otherwise) that can recognize when an image is in this last position? Any suggestions, possibly using siblings or other methods?

Answer №1

To target the last element of a certain type, you can utilize the :last-of-type pseudo class.

.container_class > img:last-of-type {
    padding-right: 0;

By the way, are you using margin instead of padding to create space between elements?

Answer №2

I believe utilizing the + selector would solve your issue.

img + img {

This method ensures that every image, except for the first one, will have the left padding applied. This way, you can avoid having to write separate style rules for all images and only the last image.

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