The header and navigation bar are both set to stay in place, but unfortunately my div element is not displaying beneath

After setting both the Nav and Header to fixed, everything seems to start out well. I adjust the Nav margin-top so that it appears below the header, which works fine. However, things take a wrong turn when I try adjusting the div. The div ends up behind the fixed elements, and any attempt to adjust its top margin ends up moving everything together. How can I ensure that the div stays positioned below my header and nav bar?

I aim for the header, nav, and footer to remain in place while allowing only the div to be scrollable on my website. Setting both the header and nav to "position:fixed" should have done the trick, but unfortunately the non-"fixed" div overlaps with the fixed elements. Moving the div down by adjusting its "margin-top" causes all components to overlap improperly. How can I prevent this from happening?

Answer №1

Your fixed elements are being displaced by your div because the top property is not set. If the top property is not defined, fixed elements will be positioned where they would naturally appear.

Replace the margin-top property with top to resolve this issue. Additionally, assign top:0px to any fixed element without a margin-top.

Here are two examples demonstrating this behavior:

Using margin-top: (issue)
Using top:

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