What is the best way to search for a CSS selector that includes an attribute beginning with the symbol '@'?

Whenever I want to target an element with a click event, I usually use the following jQuery selector:


<div @click="login()"> Login </div>

However, when I tried this approach, it resulted in an error message:

VM353:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute '$' on 'CommandLineAPI': 'div[@click="login()"]' is not a valid selector.
    at <anonymous>:1:1

So, does anyone know the correct method to accomplish this task?

Answer №1

It appears that the HTML provided is not valid.

In response to another answer, you shared links to discussions regarding vue.js including "this, this, and this". Vue.js is a templating language like EJS, Pug, Handlebars, React, and Angular which transpiles to HTML.

If you are utilizing vue.js in your project, it's recommended to include the tag when asking related questions.

The @click attribute pertains specifically to Vue and is not directly present in the rendered HTML on the webpage. Vue may convert it to an onclick handler; consider using

for element selection.

To ensure easier identification, assign an id to your div as well:

<div id="login-button" @click="login()"> Login </div>

Select this element using its id: $('#login-button')

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