Explaining the precise measurements of font size in CSS

I recently started diving into the world of CSS and picked up a copy of Eric Meyer's 3rd edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide.

While reading through his section on font sizes (page 107), I came across an interesting concept - that the font size determines the em box. For example, if I set:

span { font-size: 10px; }

Would this statement exactly set both the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the em box to 10px? According to Meyer, the measurement of the em box is the distance between baselines.

I can't help but wonder why it's called a "box" when it seems to only measure vertical height. Shouldn't it be referred to as just the em height instead?

Answer №1

"em" can be used as a relative unit of measurement for both horizontal and vertical dimensions.

For example, if the current font size is 12px, applying margin:1em to a child element will result in a 12px margin around it. If you later change the font size of the parent element to 16px, the margin will also adjust to 16px accordingly.

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