Including emoticons in text without impacting the 'line-height'

Is there a way to add an emoticon within a paragraph without altering the line-height, regardless of the size of the emoticon? For example:

I've tried using position: absolute or vertical-align: text-top, but neither seems to work.

p img {
    height: 35px;
    display: inline;
#one img {
    vertical-align: text-top;
#two img {
    position: absolute;
<p id="one">Marzipan chupa chups marzipan. Bear claw donut candy powder cupcake tart. Tiramisu cotton candy jelly biscuit pie <img src=""> Jelly beans muffin croissant. Cupcake cookie pudding tootsie roll wafer. Bear claw jelly gummies sugar plum bear claw candy chocolate jelly. Donut brownie pie dessert cupcake donut oat cake marshmallow.</p>
<p id="two">Marzipan chupa chups marzipan. Bear claw donut candy powder cupcake tart. Tiramisu cotton candy jelly biscuit pie <img src=""> Jelly beans muffin croissant. Cupcake cookie pudding tootsie roll wafer. Bear claw jelly gummies sugar plum bear claw candy chocolate jelly. Donut brownie pie dessert cupcake donut oat cake marshmallow.</p>

I have come across similar inquiries at this link and here, but they lack satisfactory solutions.

Answer №1

You have the option to utilize

margin-top: [something];
margin-bottom: [something];
vertical-align: middle;

Here, [something] refers to

(containerLineHeight - imageHeight) / 2

Additionally, you can simplify by using margin: [something] 0 if no right or left margin is required.

For instance, given an image with height: 35px and a container with line-height: 20px,

margin: -7.5px 0; // (20px - 35px) / 2

p {
  line-height: 20px;
p img {
  height: 35px;
  display: inline;
  vertical-align: middle;
  margin: -7.5px 0;
<p>Marzipan chupa chups marzipan. Bear claw donut candy powder cupcake tart. Tiramisu cotton candy jelly biscuit pie <img src=""> Jelly beans muffin croissant. Cupcake cookie pudding tootsie roll wafer. Bear claw jelly gummies sugar plum bear claw candy chocolate jelly. Donut brownie pie dessert cupcake donut oat cake marshmallow.</p>

It's safe to use values above 7.5px due to vertical-align: middle. You could even use something extreme like

margin: -1000000px 0;

p img {
  height: 35px;
  display: inline;
  vertical-align: middle;
  margin: -1000000px 0;
<p>Marzipan chupa chups marzipan. Bear claw donut candy powder cupcake tart. Tiramisu cotton candy jelly biscuit pie <img src=""> Jelly beans muffin croissant. Cupcake cookie pudding tootsie roll wafer. Bear claw jelly gummies sugar plum bear claw candy chocolate jelly. Donut brownie pie dessert cupcake donut oat cake marshmallow.</p>

Alternatively, percentages can be used, calculated based on the width of the generated box's containing block.

So, if the container's width exceeds the image's height, margin: -50% 0 should suffice.

p img {
  height: 35px;
  display: inline;
  vertical-align: middle;
  margin: -50% 0;
<p>Marzipan chupa chups marzipan. Bear claw donut candy powder cupcake tart. Tiramisu cotton candy jelly biscuit pie <img src=""> Jelly beans muffin croissant. Cupcake cookie pudding tootsie roll wafer. Bear claw jelly gummies sugar plum bear claw candy chocolate jelly. Donut brownie pie dessert cupcake donut oat cake marshmallow.</p>

To play it extra safe, a value like margin: -1000000% 0 can be used.

p img {
  height: 35px;
  display: inline;
  vertical-align: middle;
  margin: -1000000% 0;
<p>Marzipan chupa chups marzipan. Bear claw donut candy powder cupcake tart. Tiramisu cotton candy jelly biscuit pie <img src=""> Jelly beans muffin croissant. Cupcake cookie pudding tootsie roll wafer. Bear claw jelly gummies sugar plum bear claw candy chocolate jelly. Donut brownie pie dessert cupcake donut oat cake marshmallow.</p>

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