Tips for extracting designated link by employing a Selector CSS Query

Please note: While a similar question has been asked on JSoup:How to Parse a Specific Link, I have a more specific variation of this inquiry. Kindly read on for further details.

In order to extract data from a particular site link, I am looking to utilize the Document select() method for optimal efficiency. What CSS Selector Query should be employed for this purpose?

Below is one example of my attempt that failed to compile:

import org.jsoup.*;
import org.jsoup.nodes.*;
import org.jsoup.Connection.*;

import java.util.*;

public class WebInteraction {

  public Document accLogin(Account ac, String url) {

    Document doc;
    doc = Jsoup.connect(url).data("name", ac.username, "code", ac.pass).method(Method.POST).execute().parse();

    Elements verify =[href*="/logout"]);


Error Message :

$ javac error: cannot find symbol
    Elements verify =[href*="/logout"]);
  symbol:   variable a
  location: class WebInteraction error: cannot find symbol
    Elements verify =[href*="/logout"]);
  symbol:   variable href
  location: class WebInteraction
2 errors

Answer №1

An error in syntax can be found on the line below:

Elements verify =[href*="/logout"]);

To rectify it, use the following correction:

Elements verify ="a[href*=/logout]");

There is no requirement for double quotes surrounding /logout.

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