How should one go about properly sizing and formatting image icons?

Currently, I'm exploring the most efficient ways to optimize image loading speed on a webpage. Specifically, I am looking for advice on the best method for resizing an image from 1600x900 to 890x500.

Method 1

Utilize the following code:

<img src="myPic.png" height="500" width="890"/>

Method 2

If you prefer, resize the image using Photoshop or a similar tool and use: <img src="myPic.png"/>

Method 3

You can also resize the image in Photoshop and then insert it with this code:

<img src="myPic.png" height="500" width="890"/>

Method 4

Consider utilizing CSS to manipulate the image size, possibly incorporating elements of the aforementioned methods.

Choosing the Optimal Picture Format

I am conflicted about selecting the best picture format. While GIFs can reduce file size, they often compromise quality. PNGs are known for their high quality but come with larger file sizes. On the other hand, I have avoided JPGs due to their relatively large file sizes and limited background capabilities.

I welcome any insights or recommendations on this topic! Thank you!

Answer №1

For optimal performance, it is recommended to resize the image before sending it to users in order to reduce its size. This will result in faster loading times for your page.

If you need to resize an image due to user uploads or incorrect dimensions, consider using CSS to resize it. By including all your CSS in a single file, it will be easier to manage.

When choosing the format for your images:

  • Use GIF for images without transparency
  • Use JPG for pictures only
  • Use PNG for images with transparency

Answer №2

  • Even when you specify width="0" height="0", your 1600x900 image will still be loaded by the browser.
  • In terms of performance, you can assist your browser by specifying the size using the width and height attributes.
  • The optimal image format? It really varies based on your requirements.
  • After cropping or resizing your image in Photoshop, navigate to Save for Web and experiment with the compressions and settings while always considering the balance between image size and quality.

Concerning .jpg, I am not sure what your viewpoint is. They are quite good.

  • An uncompressed .jpg image (natural) sized at 800x600 at best quality = 555KB
  • Same image optimized for web at quality 60 = 118KB
  • Optimized image for web at quality 60 with a slight blur of 0.5 = under 100KB (yes, the blur technique)

Differences? Hardly noticeable.

  • If you require flawless alpha opacity and transparency, opt for .png (support needed for older versions of Internet Explorer browsers)
  • If you need transparency and do not mind pixelated edges, choose .gif
  • If you require a simple background pattern, go for .gif

Answer №3

Step 5 - Resize myPic-small.png.

<a href="myPic-big.png"><img alt="..." src="myPic-small.png" /></a>

Additional tips:

  1. For JPEG, avoid using 100% quality. Opt for 85% - 90% for a good balance of quality and file size.
  2. Consider using PNG for images with few colors, when you require a lossless format, anticipate future editing, or need transparency effects.

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