"Engaging with the touchscreen inhibits the triggering of click

Within this div, I have implemented touch-action:pan-y;. Surrounding this div is an anchor tag.

If you click on the div, the link will successfully redirect. However, if you swipe on the div and then click, the link won't work on the first attempt but will on the second one.

Essentially, any click event handlers do not trigger upon the first click after a swipe has occurred.

Is there a solution to resolve this issue without impacting SEO and crawlers?

I require touch-action:pan-y to prevent vertical scrolling when users swipe horizontally, but the downside is the need for two clicks post a swipe for the link to work.

Can anyone suggest a workaround that avoids causing issues with SEO?

Answer №1

Do you ever wonder;
let container = document.getElementById('myContainer');
let button = document.getElementById('myButton');

let isScrolling = false;

container.addEventListener('touchevent', function(event) {
  isScrolling = false;

container.addEventListener('touchmove', function(event) {
  isScrolling = true;

container.addEventListener('touchend', function(event) {
  if (!isScrolling) {

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