What is the best way to implement conditional styling in Vue.js?

Looking to incorporate a conditional style into my Component. Here is my component:

        <template v-slot:title>Complete</template>
        <template v-slot:desc>{{ $t('plans.completeDesc' )}}</template>
        <template v-slot:planSuffix>/ {{ $t('plans.oneTime' )}}</template>
        <template v-slot:features>
            <li>{{ $t('plans.xchats', [ 200 ] )}}</li>
            <li>{{ $t('plans.sDomain' )}}</li>
        <template v-slot:footer>{{ $t('plans.oneTime' )}}</template>

I am aiming to implement an unique styling - if 'color = primary', then include a border-top: 5px red...

Answer №1

If you want to incorporate conditional style binding in Vue, here's an example for you:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    color: "secondary"
  methods: {
    toggleColor(val) {
      this.color = val
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<div :style="[color==='primary' ? {color: 'red'} : {color: 'blue'}]">Primary</div>
<div :style="[color==='secondary' ? {color: 'red'} : {color: 'blue'}]">Secondary</div>
<button @click="(e) => toggleColor('primary')">Switch to primary</button>
<button @click="(e) => toggleColor('secondary')">Switch to secondary</button>

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