Achieving dynamic text alignment within a Grid tile container using HTML and Angular

Here is the main section of my parent component.

<div class="o-tile-container  ">
                        <div *ngFor="let country of Countrys">

This is the standard HTML code for my country child component:

<div [matRippleColor]="primary" class="m-tile" matRipple>
    <div class="a-tile-graph">
        <div class="titles">
            <div class="head" id="heading-name">{{name}}</div>
            <div class="sub">{{level}}</div>
    <div class="content-tile">
        <div class="o-tile-content">
            <div class="a-tile-title">{{name}}</div>
            <div class="a-tile-count">{{count}}</div>

A simple representation of how this works.

In this setup, I aim to show the heading name at the same level within each tile and display the country level consistently across containers. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

In order to dynamically align text, you can pass your style as an @Input. Below is a sample code that demonstrates how to achieve this. Feel free to check out the code and demo on StackBlitz by following this Demo LINK StackBlitz =>
** Parent HTML:**

<div class="o-tile-container  ">
                        <div *ngFor="let country of Countrys">

Child HTML:

 <div style="border-style: solid;width:100px" [matRippleColor]="primary" class="m-tile" matRipple [ngStyle]="this.mystyle">
        <div class="a-tile-graph" >
            <div class="titles">
                <div class="head" id="heading-name"  >{{name}} </div>
                <div class="sub">{{level}}</div>
        <div class="content-tile">
            <div class="o-tile-content">
                <div class="a-tile-title">{{name}}</div>
                <div class="a-tile-count">{{count}}</div>

Parent TS:

export class AppComponent  {
  rippleColor: string = "white";
    let c1=new Country();
    let c2=new Country();
    let c3=new Country();
class Country{

Child TS:

export class CountryComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() level:string;
  @Input() name:string;
  @Input() count:number;
  @Input() mystyle:any;
  constructor() {

  ngOnInit() {

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