Collecting information from form submissions, accessing data from the database, and displaying the results

I am currently working on a project using nodejs, express, and mongodb within the cloud9 IDE.

My goal is to create a page with a form that allows users to input data, search for corresponding information in the database, and display that data on the same page after reloading. If the data is not found, I'd like to show a specific response.

This is what I have accomplished so far:


var asked = req.query.asked;
      else{res.render("Landing.ejs",{foundAsked:foundAsked}); }

EJS file-

//Form takes name as input from the user

<form >
    <input type="text" name="asked" action="/" method="GET">
    <button class="button">Submit</button>

//If data is found last name is returned
<% if(foundAsked){ %>
    <h2 >  <%= foundAsked.Lastname %> </h2>
<% } %>

 //blank space stays there which is replaced by a response,if after 
   //submission nothing is found
<% if(!foundAsked){ %>
<% } %>



          $("h5").text("No data present");

However, I'm experiencing an issue where the response indicating no data found only appears briefly before the page reloads. I haven't been able to find a solution despite researching it. Any help would be appreciated.

Answer №1

After a click on the button, the text you desire to see will be revealed. However, upon reloading, you must click again to view it (each click will display the text and prompt a reload, causing the text to vanish once more).

To activate this message, another button that does not submit is required. Alternatively, why not have it displayed initially (insert it inline within the <h5> tags)?

It is important to distinguish between 'no-data' and 'no-query'. This can be achieved in the backend, for example:

var asked = req.query.asked;
      else{res.render("Landing.ejs",{foundAsked:foundAsked, asked: asked}); }

Subsequently, in Landing.ejs:

<% if(!foundAsked && asked){ %>
        <h5>No data present</h5> 
  <% } %>

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