What is the best practice for adding a DOM element at a precise location within an ng-repeat loop?

I am currently working on developing a podcast player application using AngularJS.

At this point, I have successfully created a list of available podcasts that can be played, utilizing ng-repeat. The code for the list is shown below:

<ul ng-controller="list">
  <li ng-repeat="podcast in podcasts" ng-click="startPlaying()">
    <p>{{podcast.created_time | date}}</p>
    <div class="podcast-icon" style="background-image:url('{{podcast.icon}}')">
      <i class="fa fa-play"></i>

These podcasts are displayed in a responsive flexbox grid layout. When a user clicks on a podcast, I want the function startPlaying to trigger a player to appear right below the clicked item, similar to how it works on Netflix.

I have two main questions regarding this functionality:

  1. How can I determine the index of the <li> element at the end of the row where the clicked element is placed, considering the responsiveness of the grid and the varying number of <li>s per row?
  2. Is there a way in AngularJS to insert a new DOM element after a specific index within an ng-repeat loop?

One approach I have considered is deriving the number of <li>s per row by inspecting the width of the parent container using

. However, I believe there might be a more efficient method to achieve this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Answer №1

To access the index of the li, you can use the following methods:


or alternatively:


If you include this in your click event, you can then add an element within the corresponding function like so:

<li ng-repeat="podcast in podcasts" ng-click="startPlaying($index)">

It's important to identify the correct element by giving the li a class:

<li class="podcast" ng-repeat="podcast in podcasts" ng-click="startPlaying($index)">

Then in your startPlaying function, you can select the element by its index and append your desired element:

$scope.startPlaying = function(index) {
  var podcasts = document.getElementsByClassName('podcast')
  var currentPodcast = podcasts[index]

Simply replace <html></html> with the element you wish to append.

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