The background image item in C# Outlook Mail does not repeat as expected when used inline

Hey there, I need to set up an email campaign with data in the mail body and a background image. However, I'm running into issues with the background image repeating. When I try to prevent repetition using background-repeat: no-repeat;, the image doesn't align properly in the mail body.

Note - If I use background-repeat:no-repeat;, the image doesn't show at all. I need help resolving this issue!

Using Outlook 2010 on Windows 10 with C#.

    // C# code snippet for creating a mail item in Outlook

After removing the no-repeat attribute from the style, the image still repeats in the Outlook mail background.

Link to Image

Original Image --

Link to Original Image

Answer №1

It's important to note that email clients may not support all HTML and CSS specifications, so it's crucial to refer to the support guide for each specific client to ensure compatibility with your recipients' devices.

Desktop clients like Outlook have additional limitations compared to web clients, complicating the issue further.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution here, and this topic isn't directly related to C# either. The best approach is to experiment with different combinations of HTML code in test emails for various clients, then incorporate the successful tests into your actual C# email content.

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