"Maximizing the slider with jCarousel: A guide to enhancing your carousel experience

I recently added jcarousel to my website and things are looking good so far.

Take a peek at how my site is currently set up: check it out!

What I'm aiming for now is a feature where if a user clicks on an image to enlarge, it will open in a new tab as a slider. Essentially, I want the enlarged image to trigger a slider in a new tab.

I'm not very experienced with this, so I'm a bit stuck on what steps to take next. Currently, all I've done is insert the code below for the enlarge image. Any advice on what I should do next?

<a href="javascript:enlarge()" class="enlarge">
<img src="/theme/images/magnify.gif" border="0"" title="enlarge"" alt="enlarge""

Answer №1

You should consider incorporating a "js modal gallery" as it provides an enlarge effect without the need to open a new tab.

Answer №2

To put it simply, if you include the target attribute in an anchor tag, the link will open in a new tab.

<a href="#" target="_blank"></a>

The detailed explanation is that I am unable to provide guidance on what actions need to be taken once the new page is opened, as that goes beyond the scope of this current discussion.

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