Apply a specific style to the initial element generated by *ngFor

My current method for displaying a certain number of * characters is utilizing the code snippet below:

  <div *ngFor="let line of lines; let i=index">*</div>

I am interested in applying a margin only to the first element. The margin value should be linked to a variable called marginVar within the corresponding .ts file.

While I know how to set margin for all elements, as shown here:


I am unsure on how to selectively apply this margin to just the first element created with *ngFor.

Answer №1

ngFor offers the option of first

<div *ngFor="let line of lines;let i=index; first as isFirst"
    [style.margin-left.px]="isFirst ? marginVar : 0">*</div>

Alternatively, you can achieve this with CSS

<div *ngFor="let line of lines;let i=index; first as isFirst"

To explore all available variables for *ngFor, visit

Answer №2

By transitioning to css classes, it becomes simple:

[class.first]="i === 0"

If not, experiment with ngIf (ngIfThen/ngIfElse).

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