Jquery plugin experiencing a malfunction

I am encountering an issue with my custom plugin as I am relatively new to this. My goal is to modify the properties of div elements on a webpage.

Here is the JavaScript code I am using:

(function($) {
$.fn.changeDiv = function( options ) {

    var settings = $.extend({
        // These are the defaults.
        text  : 'Hello, World!',
        color: "#556b2f",
        backgroundColor: "white",
        borderColor : "white",
        borderWeight: "1px;",
        fontWeight   : 'bold',
        fontStyle   : 'Trebuchet MS, Callibri, Sans-Serif',
        fontSize  : '18px',
        position: "center",
        fl : "auto",
        wt: "auto",
        ht: "auto",
        mRight: "auto",
        mLeft: "auto",
        complete : null
    }, options );
            return this.each( function() {

         $(this).text( settings.text );

        if ( settings.color ) {
            $(this).css( 'color', settings.color );

        if ( settings.fontStyle ) {
            $(this).css( 'font-style', settings.fontStyle );

        if ( settings.fontWeight ) {
            $(this).css( 'font-weight', settings.fontWeight );

        if ( settings.fontSize ) {
            $(this).css( 'font-size', settings.fontSize );

        if ( settings.wt ) {
            $(this).css( 'width', settings.wt );

        if ( settings.ht ) {
            $(this).css( 'height', settings.ht );

        if ( settings.position ) {
            $(this).css( 'text-align', settings.position );

        if ( settings.fl ) {
            $(this).css( 'float', settings.fl );

        if ( settings.mRight ) {
            $(this).css( 'margin-right', settings.mRight );

        if ( settings.mLeft ) {
            $(this).css( 'margin-left', settings.mLeft );

        if ( $.isFunction( settings.complete ) ) {
            settings.complete.call( this );

In my function call, I use this method:

text: 'This is the header div',
    fontStyle: 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif',
fontWeight: 'bold',
backgroundColor: '#406481',
fontSize: '30px',
ht: "50px",
position: "center",
complete    : function() { $(this).easeIn("slow",1500); }

The outcome only shows the text 'This is the header div' in green color and centered alignment. However, when I apply the same changeDiv function to the menu, no changes occur. Upon altering the return function like so:

return this.css({
    color: settings.color,
    backgroundColor: settings.backgroundColor,
    borderColor: settings.backgroundColor,
    borderWeight: settings.borderWeight,
fontWeight: settings.fontWeight,
fontStyle: settings.fontStyle,
fontSize: settings.fontSize,
position: settings.position,
fl: settings.fl,
wt: settings.wt,
ht: settings.ht,
mLeft: settings.mLeft

I can observe through FireBug that the styles are indeed being applied to the divs, however, the default text remains unchanged.

Seeking assistance!

Answer №1

Ensure to incorporate the $.fn.changeDiv function within your code.

    $(function($) {

Remember to include the $ character at the start of your first line when referencing the changeDiv function. Also, make sure to use this specific definition when calling it. This approach has proven successful for me in my jsFiddle project.

Answer №2

It seems like the key to solving this issue lies within the css that you are attempting to write. Ensure that you use font-family instead of fontStyle.

Give this a try:

$(this).css( 'font-family', settings.fontStyle );


This problem has now been resolved: here is a functional example for others seeking a solution:

Added $ in line 1 and made some changes to the original code


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