Is there a way for me to increment the value of 'sessionStorage.fgattempt' whenever either 'fgMade()' or 'threeMade()' are called?

Currently, I am developing a basketball game stat tracker and need to update the field goal attempts every time I make a field goal or three-pointer. Additionally, I am looking for ways to optimize the javascript code provided.

The main requirement is to increment the value of 'sessionStorage.fgattempt' whenever both 'fgMade()' and 'threeMade()' functions are executed. It would also be helpful if the 'threeMade()' function also updated 'sessionStorage.threeattempt'.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    // JavaScript functions here
    /* CSS styles here */

          <div id="result1">N/A</div>
          <div id="result2">N/A</div>
          <div id="result3">N/A</div>
          <div id="result4">N/A</div>
          <div id="result5">N/A</div>
          <div id="result6">N/A</div>
          <div id="result7">N/A</div>
          <div id="result8">N/A</div>
          <div id="result9">N/A</div>
  <!-- Button elements with event listeners -->


Answer №1

It seems like this might be the solution you're seeking. Just a heads up, this code will function even without accessing session storage, which I believe is crucial to include.

// A straightforward way to encapsulate the code into an object
// While still maintaining 'private' properties due to being a self-invoked function.
const App = function(myNameSpace) {
  let state = { // Initial app state
    fgmade: 0,
    fgattempt: 0,
    threemade: 0,
    threeattempt: 0,
    block: 0,
    steal: 0,
    defrebound: 0,
    offRebound: 0,
    turnover: 0

  // A simple method to load the state from session storage
  const loadState = () => {
    try {
      if (sessionStorage.getItem("appState") != null) {
        state = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("appState"));
    } catch (e) {
      // todo?

  // A simple state method to update the application state in session storage
  const setState = () => {
    try {
      sessionStorage.setItem("appState", JSON.stringify(state));
    } catch (e) {
      // todo?

  // A simple function to reset the state
  const resetState = () => {
    Object.keys(state).forEach(k => state[k] = 0);

  // A VERY simple render method
  const render = () => {
    document.getElementById("result1").innerHTML = state.fgmade;
    document.getElementById("result2").innerHTML = state.fgattempt;
    document.getElementById("result3").innerHTML = state.threemade;
    document.getElementById("result4").innerHTML = state.threeattempt;
    document.getElementById("result5").innerHTML = state.block;
    document.getElementById("result6").innerHTML = state.steal;
    document.getElementById("result7").innerHTML = state.defrebound;
    document.getElementById("result8").innerHTML = state.offRebound;
    document.getElementById("result9").innerHTML = state.turnov...
// The bulk of the code determines which property to update
const buttonClickHandler = (e) => {
const txt =\ /g, '').toUpperCase();

switch (txt) {
case 'FGM':


// Make sure to return the public object
return myNameSpace;

// Very basic solution for document.ready
setTimeout(App.launch, 250);
td {
border: 1px solid black;

button#reset {
background: red;
border-color: red;
color: white;
<div id="result1">N/A</div>
<div id="result2">N/A</div>
<div id="result3">N/A</div>
<div id="result4">N/A</div>
<div id="result5">N/A</div>
<div id="result6">N/A</div>
<div id="result7">N/A</div>
<div id="result8">N/A</div>
<div id="result9">N/A</div>

<p><button id="reset">RESET</button></p>

Answer №2

Just my thoughts...

      basketball_scores_head = document.querySelector('#basketball-scores thead tr'),
      basketball_scores_body = document.querySelector('#basketball-scores tbody tr'),
      All_ScoreButton        = document.querySelectorAll('#basketball-scores  button'),
      Scores_Vals            = {},
      asStorage              = (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined");

        e_TH = document.createElement('th'),
        e_TD = document.createElement('td'),
        ref  = bt_elm.dataset.count.split(' ')[0]
      e_TH.textContent = ref;
      e_TD.textContent = "N/A";          = "count_"+ref;


      Scores_Vals[ref] = 0;

      bt_elm.onclick = IncreaseScore;

    if (asStorage) {
      if ( sessionStorage.getItem('basketball_scores') )
        Scores_Vals = JSON.parse( sessionStorage.getItem('basketball_scores'));
        for (let cnt in Scores_Vals ) {
          document.getElementById("count_"+cnt).textContent = Scores_Vals[cnt].toString();
      } else {
        sessionStorage.setItem('basketball_scores',  JSON.stringify(Scores_Vals) );

    function IncreaseScore(e) {' ').forEach (cnt =>{
        document.getElementById("count_"+cnt).textContent = Scores_Vals[cnt].toString();
      if (asStorage) {
        sessionStorage.setItem('basketball_scores',  JSON.stringify(Scores_Vals) );
      table#basketball-scores th,
      table#basketball-scores td {
        border : 1px solid grey;
      table#basketball-scores th,
      table#basketball-scores td {
        width  : 100px;
      table#basketball-scores button {
        font-weight: bold;
        margin-top: 10px;
<table id="basketball-scores">
      <td><button data-count="FGM FGA">+</button></td>
      <td><button data-count="FGA">+</button></td>
      <td><button data-count="3PM FGA">+</button></td>
      <td><button data-count="3PA">+</button></td>
      <td><button data-count="BLK">+</button></td>  
      <td><button data-count="STL">+</button></td>
      <td><button data-count="DREB">+</button></td>
      <td><button data-count="OREB">+</button></td>
      <td><button data-count="TO">+</button></td>

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