What is the preferred method for writing `*zoom: 1;` in CSS?

Trying to create my code, I decided to borrow some CSS files from older code. However, upon running

yarn build I encountered several errors like:

▲ [WARNING] Expected identifier but found "*" [css-syntax-error]

      122 │ *display: inline;
          ╵   ^

▲ [WARNING] Expected identifier but found "*" [css-syntax-error]

      123 │ *zoom: 1; }
          ╵   ^

▲ [WARNING] Expected identifier but found "*" [css-syntax-error]

      133 │ *display: inline;

I need help understanding what needs to be replaced to fix this issue. It seems like there is a problem with the * in the code.

My goal is to eliminate all warnings during the yarn build process.

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