Confirming the authenticity of a newly added user input with the help of jQuery

Within my current project, I have implemented validation features for text boxes. When a user clicks on a text box, the border is highlighted. If they click elsewhere without entering any value, the border turns red and an alert pop-up appears.

In addition, there is a button that allows users to add new input boxes by using jQuery. I am interested in finding a way to apply the same validation to these newly added inputs, highlighting the border and displaying a pop-up alert when they are created using the button.


$(function() {

     $(function() {

     $(function() {
     $(".options").focusout(function () {
            if (!$(this).val()) {
                alert("Please ensure you have answered the question.");

     $(function() {

I have provided the jQuery code above that I used for validating the existing text boxes. The "focused" class turns the border green, while the "unfocused" class turns it red with an alert message.

<div class="addtextbox"><input type="submit" class="AddOption" value="Click To Add New Option"></div>

$(function() {
     $(".addtextbox").click(function() {
         $(".addtextbox").before("<input class='options'><br>");

The code snippet above demonstrates how the textbox can be added through a button click event.

Answer №1

  $(document).on("focus", ".options", function(){
  $(document).on("blur", ".options", function(){
    if (!$(this).val()) {
       alert("Don't forget to provide your answer.");

Answer №2

One option is to utilize the latest jQuery extensions that take advantage of HTML5 elements like required. By delegating the validation event, you can ensure it functions properly even during AJAX requests. When your AJAX call returns a response, consider creating input fields like:

<input type="email" required="required" pattern="{e}" />

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