Adjust the size of images using jQuery to perfectly fit the container dimensions

I am currently working on a script to automatically resize images that are too large for the container:

    var parent_width = parseInt($(this).parent().width()),
        image_width = parseInt($(this).width());

    if(parent_width !== image_width){
         '<a class="resized-image" href="' + this.src + '">'
       + ' <span class="msg">'
       + '   This image has been resized to ' + parent_width + ' pixels'
       + '   and ' + $(this).height() + ' pixels'
       + '</span>'
       + '</a>'

The resizing functionality is working as expected. However, I want to display a message to the user showing the original size of the image, percentage of resizing, and the file size in KB.

For example:

This image has been resized to 400 x 300 (50%). Original image size: 800 x 600 and 75 KB. Click to view the original

Currently, I am only able to retrieve the width of the resized image (the height() method returns 0 for some reason).

Answer №1

Make sure to enclose your code within the $(window).load method

$(window).load(function() {
     // insert your code here

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

$('img').one('load', function () {

    var parentSize = parseInt($(this).parent().width()),
        imageSize = parseInt($(this).width());

    if(parentSize !== imageSize){
         '<a class="resized-image" href="' + this.src + '">'
       + ' <span class="msg">'
       + '   This image has been resized to ' + parentSize + ' pixels'
       + '   and ' + $(this).height() + ' pixels'
       + '</span>'
       + '</a>'


$('img').each(function () {
     //Check if image is cached by browsers, trigger .load()
    if (this.complete){        

Test it out in jsfiddler.

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