Froala text area is unexpectedly visible when I attempt to cover it with a partially see-through mask

The website I'm currently developing features a semi-transparent overlay that dims the screen with a light-colored message displayed on top. This overlay and message are shown whenever there is a background process running. Everything was running smoothly until I integrated the Froala text editor.

Some technical details: Angular 1.5.8, Angular Material Design 1.1.3 - While testing an upgrade to this version, I encountered the conflict with the Froala editor. Froala Version 2 (downloaded last month) angular-froala v. 2.4.2

We utilize a div with CSS that sets the background to background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) and another div that contains the message in white text and a light image.

Upon activation, the entire screen darkens except for the textarea associated with the Froala directive, which remains white. Adjusting the z-index property successfully brings the foreground of the two overlay divs into view, but doesn't impact the Froala textarea. I've experimented with setting the z-index on all directives involved, adjusting the Froala z-index option, and disabling the Froala iframe option.

Would appreciate any suggestions for other solutions to explore?

Answer №1

It's funny how things work out sometimes - I realized that the element I was attempting to grey out was actually nested within the parent div that was supposed to be affected

I sought assistance from two fellow developers who also overlooked the issue, so I didn't feel too bad about missing it myself

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