Tips for resolving the Firefox display problem with input[type="file"] using CSS

After researching articles, it became clear to me that input[type="file"] displays differently across various web browsers.

I am in need of a simple solution using only CSS to address this issue as I only require adjusting the width of the element.

The website I am currently working on can be found here: (
). When viewed with Firefox, the page layout is not ideal.

Q: What is the best way to adjust the width using CSS? Or is there an easier fix for this problem?

Answer №1

Styling file inputs using CSS can be challenging due to variations in rendering across different browsers.

If you're looking for a workaround, you might find this hack useful: Alternative Solution. However, its compatibility with various browsers may not be guaranteed.

Answer №2

Adjusting the input attributes will determine the size of the fields

<input name="" type="text" size="10" maxlength="40" size=50>

Styling with CSS functions as expected

input[type=file] {width: 100%}

You may find a similar question about styling an input[type=file] in CSS across different browsers at here

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