Struggling to make css selector acknowledge the margins on the right and left

I am trying to style two inner divs within a containing div by floating the first one to the left and the second one to the right. Additionally, I want to add a margin of 15px on the left for the first div and on the right for the second div. The challenge is that I prefer to keep the 'float' styles separate from the margin specifications.

My desired approach is to create a class and append it like this:

#termsPageButtonContainerCheckbox.leftAlignedControl {
    margin-left: 15px;

The issue arises when I try to apply the margin-left property without including it in the float style:

.leftAlignedControl {
    float: left;

You can view a demo of the problem I encountered on JSFiddle: [Removed by OP]

Answer ā„–1

Your id targeting is not correct. To fix this, you can either update the HTML id to termsPageButtonContainerCheckbox or adjust the CSS to


Visit this link for more information.

Answer ā„–2

This particular button seems to have 2 different IDs assigned, but unfortunately it can only have one ID at a time. Furthermore, the use of ":" in an ID is not allowed to my knowledge. Therefore, to make it function properly, you will need to eliminate one of the two parts (either before or after the ":")

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