The sequence of divs in a language that reads from right to left

Is there a way in HTML to designate a set of divs so that they automatically align from left to right for languages that read left to right, and alternatively, flow from right to left for languages that read right to left? This means that the direction of flow would adjust based on the language specified in the html lang attribute. For instance, if the language is English:

<html lang="en">

the marked divs will align left to right. However, for a language like Hebrew (which reads from right to left) :

<html lang="he">

the marked divs would now flow from right to left.

Answer №1

Utilize the dir attribute in addition. It is applicable to any div, allowing you to adjust it dynamically.

<html lang="he" dir="rtl">

Remember: There may be CSS considerations to take into account. I rely on a tool called R2 to assist with this.

Answer №2

My preferred method is to utilize CSS and jQuery for this task. Check out the JSFiddle example here:

The default direction is set to leftToRight, which means every block with this class will float right if the language specified is in the rightToLeftLangs-array. Keep in mind that currently you need to declare the language within the .html-element and not just the html element (refer to line 3 in the jQuery code).

$(document).ready(function() {
    var rightToLeftLangs = ['he'];
    if($.inArray($('.html').attr('lang'), rightToLeftLangs) > -1) {
.floating {

.leftToRight {

.rightToLeft {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="html" lang="en"></div>
<div class="floating leftToRight">
    Some text

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