Unexpected appearance of blank space to the right of my parallax design

Ever since a forced reboot, my parallax scrolling page has been experiencing issues. A strange whitespace seems to be throwing off the sections, only appearing every other section - one is fine, the next is offset, and so on.

I've carefully gone through the css that styles and positions the parallax sections, yet I couldn't find any margins, padding or other offsets that could explain the issue.

If you could take a look at it here, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

Parallax effect is applied to every other section, not necessarily every nth section.

In the code, there is a class called .parallax__layer--back with the property

transform: translateZ(-300px) scale(2)
. Adjusting it to translateZ(-295px) scale(2) made it fill the entire space. Another section has translateZ(-600px) scale(3), requiring tweaking to -289px for proper display. It seems the transform behavior may not be as expected in your situation.

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