Display a unique and unconventional image as a dynamic full-screen background, ensuring the entire image is visible using React/RedwoodJS

Looking for a somewhat unusual solution here - I want to use an image as a background with all edges of the picture visible at all times. Typically, I would use the "cover" setting for this, but that doesn't achieve what I need (image included). After trying various standard methods without success, I'm considering placing a top-level element with absolute positioning and another relative div above it to allow normal React development. (My version is .webp, not .svg)

Any thoughts or suggestions? I've experimented with absolute positioning techniques and consulted resources like https://css-tricks.com/perfect-full-page-background-image/.


"background image, RedwoodJS, React, layout, CSS"

Answer №1

Utilize viewport units to define the height and width of the image.

img {

Note: To achieve the same effect with a background-image:

div {
  background-image: /* IMG */

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