How can I add an SVG tooltip that appears when I hover my

I have successfully implemented an SVG map showing marked locations and polygons, with CSS styling that makes the areas stand out on hover. I achieved this without using any JavaScript code.

My next goal is to create a hovering window or tooltip that displays text whenever the mouse hovers over a specific area on the map. The challenge is to have this window appear precisely over the correct location on the map as well.

I am seeking suggestions for the simplest way to accomplish this task. For reference, you can view the SVG map here.

<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1600 1175" enable-background="new 0 0 1600 1175" xml:space="preserve">
            <g id="Layer_1">
                <g id="Capitals_1_">
                    <g id="Capitals">
                    ... (list of capital cities on the map)

Answer №1

Be sure to include a title element within each polygon like this:

<polygon id="Andor" fill="none" points="1200.25,708.5 1161.25,722.25 1125,741.25 1109.5,750 1101.75,758.25 1090.5,762.5
                                                    1081.5,773.75 1066.75,781 1071.25,762.5 1071.25,738.75 1063,722.25 1034.75,711.75 1017.25,710.5 958,729 951.25,729 943,732.25
                                                    913.25,737.75 910.75,722.25 893.75,715 875.75,715 853.75,702 849.25,700.75 835.25,692.75 817,690.5 779.25,678.5 772.75,674
                                                    738.75,659.25 720,655.25 704,657.25 690,665.25 693.5,624.5 707.75,583.5 702.25,558.5 702.25,512.75 716,512.75 727.5,530.25
                                                    727.5,563.25 746,589.5 766,589.5 770.25,596.75 785.5,587.5 794,589.5 802.25,605.75 815.75,609 831.25,605.75 849.25,619.75
                                                    873.5,625.75 881,638 889.75,639.25 896,645.25 908.25,639.25 947.12,638 969.25,630.5 1001.75,630.5 1177,615.25   ">

To specify multi-line titles use the following format:

<title>line 1
line 2
line 3

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