Adjusting the height of the Tinymce Editor in React Grid Layout after the initial initialization

I am facing a challenge with my React Component that displays a tinymce editor. The task is to dynamically adjust the height of the editor after it has been initialized. To achieve this, I am utilizing the "React Grid Layout" package for resizing the component.

I have 2 questions in mind: 1. In which lifecycle method can I check for changes in the parent's height where the editor is rendered? 2. Where should I update the editor's configuration to set its height? Should it be within the init method?

  <div id="wrapper">
      <textArea id="tinymceSelector"></textArea>

One aspect of my proposed solution involves determining the height of the parent element as follows:

let parentHeight = document.getElementById('wrapper').clientHeight 

If there is a disparity in the parent height before and after resizing using React Grid Layout, this value will indicate the difference in size.

Once I have identified the height change (which brings me back to question 1), I plan to update the tinymce configuration with:

editorinstance.theme.resizeTo(width, height);

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

The solution that was put into action:

When the page is first loaded, I initialize the tinymce editor in the following manner:

  1. I determine the initial height at which the editor should appear based on the height of #wrapper.

  2. I save this height value for #wrapper in a variable named this._wrapperHeight.

  3. Instead of setting the editor's height to match that of #wrapper, I adjust it to be 70% of the total height. This adjustment helps avoid scrollbars. (I must admit, I would prefer a different approach because persistent scrollbars are an issue when the height is resized too small)

    this._editorHeight = this._wrapperHeight * 0.7;

  4. As part of the initialization process, I also had to include the plugin autoresize in the editor's settings and specify


Once the initialization is completed, the dynamic height updating was achieved as follows:

  1. In the componentWillReceiveProps function, I recalculate the height of #wrapper.

  2. Compare the old height of the wrapper to the new one.

  3. If they differ, then: set the new height using

    tinymce.get(this.props.renderId).theme.resizeTo(this._editorWidth, this._editorHeight);

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