Is it possible to use CSS transitions to animate an absolute positioned element?

I am having trouble getting a CSS transition to work for animating an element's position change. I have tried using the all properties in the transition declaration like in this example:

However, my goal is to only apply the transition to the position change and not all properties. I want the color change to be instant while the position change from left to right should be animated (contrary to what is currently happening).

Answer №1

The default value for left was not defined, causing the animation to malfunction.

.test {
    left: 0;
    transition:left 1s linear;

To see the issue in action, visit this link:

Answer №2

Try using this code snippet margin-left:60px in place of left:60px

Check it out here:

According to @Shomz, switch the transition setting to transition: margin 1s linear; instead of transition: all 1s linear;

Answer №3

give this a shot:

.newClass {
    transition:right 1s ease-in-out;

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