The pseudo-element ::before did not function as expected in the CSS code

I attempted to utilize the ::before element in HTML directly. Below is my code:

<ul class="clear toogled" style="height:188pxl">
<li tabindex="0" style="display: block;">
<label for="MAP-IA_1_1_OR_CB_1" aria-label="Filter by product">

This code will produce an output like this:


Can somebody explain why it gives an output like this?

Answer №1

It's unclear what your goal is, but as others have pointed out, the "before" pseudo element is not being used correctly.

The ::before and ::after elements you see in the DOM are automatically added by CSS pseudo classes :before and :after.

For instance, with your code, I can place a coffee mug in front of the word 'hello'.

All I did was create a CSS selector label:before and set its content to a Unicode character which indicates that before anything within the label, display the specified content.

You can verify this by inspecting the Samsung website where you borrowed the HTML from.

When I first learned about the :before pseudo class, I found this resource helpful.

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