Getting rid of the border on a material-ui v4 textbox

I am currently using Material-UI version 4 and have not upgraded to the latest mui v5.

I have experimented with various solutions, but so far none have been successful. My goal is simply to eliminate or hide the border around the textfield component.

    style: { backgroundColor: '#d6eaf8', fontSize: '18px', color: 'black' },
             underline: {
                "&&&:before": {
                      borderBottom: "none"
                "&&:after": {
                      borderBottom: "none"

Answer №1

To remove the underline border from material ui, simply add the property "disableUnderline: 'true'" like this:

   disableUnderline: 'true',
   style: {
     backgroundColor: "#d6eaf8",
     fontSize: "18px",
     color: "black"

If you want all TextInputs to have a consistent look, consider setting up a custom Theme.


An alternative method to remove the border is by adjusting CSS Global classes as follows:

  const StyledTextField = withStyles({
    root: {
      "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
        backgroundColor: "lightblue",
        "& fieldset": {
          border: "none"

  return <StyledTextField variant="outlined" />;

updated 2:

If you prefer using a custom theme, you can do it like this:

const theme = createTheme({});
theme.overrides = {
    MuiOutlinedInput: {
      root: {
        backgroundColor: 'lightblue',
      notchedOutline: {
        border: "none"


<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
   <TextField variant="outlined" />

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