The nested navigation link disappears suddenly on Internet Explorer 9

This query closely resembles another issue: Nested menu keeps vanishing on IE 8 & 9. However, the solution provided is quite limited. Why do my nested menus disappear before I can reach them with my cursor unless I move it swiftly? This peculiar behavior only occurs in IE (I've tested versions 8 and 9).

Attempts made:

Considering that IE9 supports HTML5, I have ensured to declare it at the beginning of the document (preceded by a block of PHP code). Despite this, the issue persists. I also experimented with positioning the nested ul li a's slightly higher to eliminate any gaps, but the problem remains unresolved. To observe how the website used to appear and function correctly, click on "blog" within the navigation bar. Note that the navigation still employs images instead of text.

Website link:

Answer №1

If you're facing a similar issue, check out this helpful post on Stack Overflow: How to fix responsive design issues. It offers a solution that may work for your problem - applying a negative margin where needed.

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