"Utilizing a media query to display an anchor link at the top based

How can I create a "Back to Top" link that automatically scrolls mobile and tablets to the top of the page? Usually, I would achieve this using JavaScript by detecting the window and body height.

Is it possible to accomplish this using a media query?

@media only screen and (min-height: 500px) and (max-width: 768px) 
    .scrollTop { display: block }

Answer №1

To ensure easy navigation to the top of your page, consider adding an anchor point. For example, on a logo:

<a href="/" id="top"><img src="logo.gif" /></a>

The key here is the id="top". This allows you to create a link directly to #top for "Go to top" functionality. For instance:

<a href="#top">Go to top</a>

If you only want this feature to be visible on specific screen sizes, simply use display: none within the appropriate media query to hide it when necessary.

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