Bizarre Incident Management

My latest project involves a simplistic website featuring arrow images (png) positioned on the left and right sides with fixed placement, allowing users to navigate to the next page.
However, an issue arises where the cursor seems unable to select the anchor element containing the image, resulting in this problem:


Here is the snippet of code for these elements:

<a class="arrow-left" href="previousPage.php"><img src="img/left.png"></a>
<a class="arrow-right" href="nextPage.php"><img src="img/right.png"></a>

The above code is written in plain HTML, while the .arrow-left and .arrow-right classes are styled using SCSS:

.arrow-right {
  position: fixed;
  max-width: 3%;
  z-index: 10;
  right: 1%;
  top: 50%; }

.arrow-left {
  position: fixed;
  max-width: 3%;
  z-index: 10;
  left: 1%;
  top: 50%; }

Answer №1

For an effective solution, consider applying the display: block property to both the .arrow-right and .arrow-left.

Simplify your code for easier future modifications:

.arrow-left {
  display: block;
  position: fixed;
  max-width: 3%;
  z-index: 10;
  top: 50%;

.arrow-right {
  right: 1%;
.arrow-left {
  left: 1%;

By consolidating the code in one place with display: block;, maintenance becomes hassle-free.

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