What is the most effective method for incorporating parameterized aesthetics using CSS in a JSP program?

I am currently working on a JSP web application without the support of any framework, unfortunately. This application is intended to serve multiple customers, each with their unique set of colors and company logos.

The overall layout of the CSS will remain consistent; however, specific elements such as div colors, font colors, button colors, etc., may vary for each customer.

To address this issue, I have implemented a filter that receives a general request and then directs it to the appropriate folder based on the customer.

For instance, when index.jsp requests css/index.css, the filter checks the customer details and adjusts the request to 'customer1_css/index.css'. So far, this approach has been effective...

However, whenever I need to add or modify a CSS element, I find myself having to update each CSS file for every customer individually.

In an effort to simplify this process for both us developers and the web designers, I am considering using FreeMarker to parametrize all dynamic elements, and potentially creating a database table to store parameter values. However, this solution seems quite complex.

I am aware that other developers have encountered similar challenges in the past.

If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to solve this issue more efficiently, please share them with me.

Thank you in advance!!!

Answer №1

To steer clear of dynamically generating CSS, it's best to avoid it altogether. If the page layout changes and requires modifications to the CSS, you'll be stuck making updates in the CSS files regardless. Generating CSS dynamically won't save you from this limitation as you'd still be constrained to modifying only the properties (class names, ids) predetermined.

An alternative approach is focusing on writing semantic HTML. By improving your HTML structure, you can minimize the number of CSS changes needed when adjusting the layout. Check out How to avoid locking my HTML structure when using jQuery to create rich client experiences? for more insights.

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