Dynamic loading of lists necessitates encapsulating nested lists

I'm currently working on a 3-level dropdown list that pulls content from a database for my project. I want the top level to resemble a tab menu, with a border surrounding the area underneath where the additional lists will appear. However, I am facing some challenges with my code:

<ul id="catsMenu">
    <cfloop query="getCats">
                <cfloop query="getMain">
                            <cfloop query="getDetail">
                                <li><a href="somelink"</a></li>

(I need the getdetail query to have knowledge of the link it's going to)

My main struggle is figuring out how to implement the box around the entire lower section. Should I use absolute positioning for the div, both before or after this list code? I'm unsure of the best approach to take. Thank you in advance for any assistance.

EDIT: This is the desired structure:

| Tab 1 | Tab 2 | Tab 3 | etc.. |
-----DIV W/ BORDER---------------
|  /* dropdown stuff            |
|     goes inside here */       |
|                               |
|                               |
|                               |
-------DIV W/ BORDER------------

Answer №1

Have you considered utilizing jQuery and jQuery-UI as a solution? Check out this link for more information: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/

If not, your CF code appears to be suitable; the only adjustment needed is tweaking the CSS. For instance, applying a float left to the first UL element would help align it with the rest of the page. Additionally, setting float, display inline, padding, width, height, etc., on list elements can enhance its appearance.

Here are some examples to refer to for inspiration: , (You can use Firebug to inspect how it's implemented)

If I've interpreted your query correctly...

Answer №2

Hello Eric,

It seems like you can achieve what you're looking for by utilizing the cflayout and cflayoutarea tags in ColdFusion. I believe this link will provide you with a straightforward example:

If you need to pass values from one cflayoutarea to another, you can do so by using the 'request' scope and submitting the parent layout area through ColdFusion.navigate().

I hope this information proves helpful to you.

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