Only referring to a CSS class within a particular element

I have defined the following CSS:

.grade a{
    color: white;

It is working, but maybe too well...

Now, I have an HTML structure like this:

<li class="grade">
   <a><i class="fa fa-star fa-fw"></i></a>
      My Text 

The Bootstrap icon inside the list item is also colored white due to the .grade class, which I don't want.

How can I target only specific elements with the class .grade?

<a class="grade"> Text here should be white </a>

and not affect other elements with that class?

Answer №1

Currently, your code is targeting all a elements that are descendants of an element with the class grade.

If you want to specifically select a elements that themselves have the grade class, adjust your selector to:


a.grade {
  color: red;

.grade a {
  color: green;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<li class="grade">
   <a><i class="fa fa-star fa-fw">Text within an &lt;a&gt; descendant of .grade</i></a><br>
      Text outside of &lt;a&gt; element

<a class="grade"> Text in an &lt;a&gt; element, which has the class grade itself. </a>

Answer №2

Utilize typeTag.className to target the a element:

li.grade {
    color: red;

li.grade a i {
    color: green;

a.grade {
    color: blue;
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> 
<li class="grade">
   <a><i class="fa fa-star fa-fw"></i></a>
    My Text 
<a class="grade"> Text here should be white </a>

Answer №3

Here is an example of how to use the style:

.highlight {
  background-color: yellow;

Check out this demo:

Answer №4

To start off, it was not specified which color you wanted the i element to be, except that it should not be white. Therefore, I will assume it should match the body color. Here is the code for that:

body, .grade i {

Additionally, if you intend for only the a elements within a .grade class to be white, and specifically those a elements with the class

grade</code themselves, you must include <code>a.grade
as a selector. The updated CSS would look like this:

.grade a, a.grade {
  color: white;

To achieve the desired outcome, you should use the following complete code snippet:

html {

body, .grade i {

.grade a, a.grade{
    color: white;
  <li class="grade">
     <a><i class="fa fa-star fa-fw">(icon goes here)</i></a>
       My Text 
<a class="grade"> Text here should be white </a>

(I have included some additional text in the icon for visibility purposes without FontAwesome.)

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