Merge adjacent CSS blocks seamlessly without the need for JavaScript

I am facing an issue with styling div elements that have editable content through a WYSIWYG inline editor on my website. Users often do not understand the importance of enclosing similar blocks of code in containing DIVs for proper formatting, resulting in HTML like this:

<div class="borderBlock">Content...</div>
<div class="borderBlock">Content...</div>
<div>Other content</div>
<div class="borderBlock">Content...</div>

Although I have CSS rules defined to style these divs with borders and spacing, each div still gets its own border which is not the desired outcome. Ideally, I would like the first two divs to share a border and background color.

I have tried using CSS selectors like:

:not(.borderBlock) + .borderBlock { }

to target the first block with the borderBlock class, but I cannot find a way to selectively style the last borderBlock element without wrapping it in another div. Is there a CSS solution to this issue without resorting to JavaScript or adding additional container divs?

Answer №1

At this time, accomplishing this task solely through CSS selectors is not possible; it would require the use of JavaScript or making changes to your HTML due to the absence of a preceding sibling selector.

Answer №2

How do you feel about trying something similar to this approach?:

utilizing the :first-of-type and :last-of-type selectors

Is this aligned with your desired outcome or did I misinterpret your goal?

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