What is the best way to apply styling to a kendo-grid-column?

Utilizing the kendo-grid in my project serves multiple purposes.

Within one of the cells, I aim to incorporate an input TextBox like so:

<kendo-grid-column field="value" title="{{l('Value')}}" width="200"></kendo-grid-column>

It is evident that there is poor styling on the client side:

Interestingly enough, no CSS has been applied intentionally to influence this area.

Answer №1

To customize the style of a kendogrid, you will need to modify the basic CSS properties of your selection tag in the following way:

Image editor > link > span > (your custom CSS class)

With this adjustment, you can achieve the desired styling for your kendogrid.

Answer №2

To style elements in Angular 5, you can use ng-style or [style].

For example:


Find more information here:https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngStyle

<kendo-grid-column field="value" title="{{l('Value')}}" ng-style="{'background-color':'blue'}" width="200"></kendo-grid-column>

An additional note!

Based on this answer:Kendo UI Grid and ng-style

Remember to use double quotes with backslashes for styling:


Answer №3

Utilizing Attribute Style in Your Code

    <kendo-grid-column [style]="{'background-color': '#666','color': '#fff','line-height': '1em'}">

Answer №4

Personally, I'm not a fan of answering my own questions, but sometimes it's necessary.

If you're looking to customize the look, you'll need to pinpoint a specific css class and make adjustments accordingly. The most effective method is to target the cell-grid style.

Best of luck!

Answer №5

While it may not be possible to directly set style classes in the kendo-grid, one can still locate existing kendo classes and modify them as needed.

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