Guide to configuring the overflow-y property for individual cells or rows in a Bootstrap-Vue table

Hello there, I am currently using Bootstrap-vue to display data that has been queried from a database. My goal is to have it displayed with an overflow-y style similar to this image.

If you know how to achieve this effect, please share your solution. Here is the code snippet I am working with:


Currently, the output I am getting looks like this: image

Answer №1

One easy fix is setting it to display:inline-block;

Here's the CSS code to add:

.tbsearch > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4){
 height: 65px;
 overflow: auto;
 display: inline-block;

Answer №2

Dealing with styling table cells can sometimes be tricky because of their default display: table-cell property.

From the initial image provided, it appears that a wrapper element is being used around the cell content to create padding around the scrollable area.

To customize the rendering of the cells, utilize a custom slot and wrap your content in a <div> element with the desired overflow-y style:

      It is assumed that the field you intend to scroll is `description`
    <template v-slot:cell(description)="scope">
      <div class="my-cell-overflow-y">
        {{ scope.value }}

  .my-cell-overflow-y: {
    max-height: 2rem;
    overflow-y: auto

For more information on custom data cell rendering, visit .

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