What could be causing this table to exceed its dimensions by 2 pixels?

Why is the height of this table 102px instead of 100px? Is there another CSS attribute that needs to be set besides:

table {

For example, check out this example link.

Answer №1

The <td> tag seems to have default padding applied. To resolve this issue, you can utilize the following CSS code:

td {
    padding: 0;

Answer №2

By default, the <td> element comes with 1px padding, resulting in a total width of 102px.

To eliminate this padding, use the CSS rule td{padding:0;}

Answer №3

Adding 2px to the td's padding creates extra space.

Although you specified the div as 100px, you are calculating based on the table size.

To resolve this issue, simply remove the padding from the td:

td {
padding: 0;

Answer №4

Consider eliminating the default padding for td elements in tables, as it adds unnecessary size to the overall table. You can easily achieve this by including a directive like the following:

td {
    padding: 0;

Check out an example here: https://jsfiddle.net/abc123xyz/8/

Answer №5

Check out this information.


Your browser, such as Chrome, applies its own stylesheets which may include border-spacing: 2px; to tables.

If you're interested in learning more about browser-specific stylesheets, you can visit this link.

As many others have mentioned, you can override the setting by adding

td {
  padding: 0px;

However, understanding why this occurred is also important.

I hope this explanation is helpful.

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