Is there a way to create a responsive navbar using flexbox that automatically transitions into two rows at smaller screen sizes?

I've designed a sleek navbar located at the bottom of my webpage featuring a central logo leading to the home page, with two links on each side directing users to specific pages. Using @media CSS, I made it responsive by reducing its size as the screen size decreases. However, once it reaches the xs/sm breakpoint, the navbar becomes too crowded for the screen.



Is there a way to stack the navbar links on top of each other on both sides while maintaining a clean and symmetrical appearance, with the logo remaining centered? I prefer this over turning it into a collapsed menu button.




Answer №1

In case you are using bootstrap v4, consider nesting an additional row within your first and third columns, followed by placing two columns inside the new row (one for each link). Utilize col-sm-12 to ensure the line wraps down on smaller screens and col-md-6 to allow horizontal stacking as the screen size increases. Keep in mind that this approach involves a considerable amount of nested divs.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired layout with minimal code, you can utilize nested flex containers:

.container, .left, .right {

.left, .right {

.container div, .left div, .right div {
  padding:0px 8px 0px 8px;
<div class="container">
  <div class="left">
  <div class="logo">LOGO/BRAND</div>
  <div class="right">

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