Tips for adjusting an @media css for a material-ui react component

After posting this inquiry about overriding a CSS property in a material-ui component, I received a helpful example. However, I encountered difficulty when attempting to set the height of the Toolbar component due to an overarching @media specification. My strategy involved creating a MuiTheme spec like this:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
    overrides: {
        MuiToolbar: {
            regular: {
               height: "32px",
               minHeight: "32px"

Take a look at how the overridden CSS appears visually:

By using a hack and adding !important to the minHeight property, I was able to make it work. You can view a demonstration of this on codesandbox here:

I am curious to know the correct method for overriding an @media specification using MuiTheme.

Answer №1

Make sure to include it as shown below. Remember, the media query should be wrapped in single quotes.

 MuiToolbar: {
      regular: {
        backgroundColor: "#ffff00",
        color: "#000000",
        height: "32px",
        minHeight: "32px",
        '@media (min-width: 600px)': {
          minHeight: "48px"

You can also access the codesandbox here -

Answer №2

Just wanted to share the updated solution for

"@mui/material": "5.0.4"
. This code snippet is a combination of resources found at and insights from @jannnik's comment:

const defaultTheme = createTheme();

const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    MuiToolbar: {
      regular: {
        backgroundColor: "#ffff00",
        color: "#000000",
        height: "32px",
        minHeight: "32px",
        [defaultTheme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
          minHeight: "48px"

Answer №3

Using MuiThemeProvider is not required for v1.x of material-ui. Instead, we can utilize the higher-order component created by withStyles to seamlessly inject an array of styles into the DOM as CSS. Check out this functional example without modifying the @media annotation:

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