Creating a Parent Container to Maintain the Height of the Tallest Offspring

I've been searching online for solutions, but so far I haven't found one that meets all the requirements.

<div class="parent">
    <div class="child1">I am 60px tall and always visible; my parent is 100px tall</div>
    <div class="child2">I am 80px tall and initially hidden until needed</div>
    <div class="child3">I am 100px tall and also hidden until needed</div>
  • I need to have multiple child Divs within a parent Div.
  • Only one child should be displayed at a time.
  • The height of the parent Div must match the height of the tallest child and not change.

I plan to use jQuery to handle toggling between the visible children, but I would prefer a CSS-based solution for setting the heights if possible.

No need to support IE8/9/10.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Answer №1

Here is the solution you need:

  1. Utilize the flex display property to organize the child elements in a column layout.
  2. Adjust the opacity of the child elements to 0, ensuring they remain within the parent div and setting the parent's height equal to the tallest child element.
  3. Create a new CSS class called visible to style the visible child element. The default hidden children should have a width of 0px, while the visible child will expand to 100% width.

function show(element) {
  $('.parent div').removeClass('visible');
  $('.' + element).addClass('visible');
.parent {
  border: 1px dashed #000;
  display: flex;

.child1 {
  height: 60px;
  background: red;

.child2 {
  height: 80px;
  background: yellow;

.child3 {
  height: 100px;
  background: orange;

.parent div {
  opacity: 0;
  width: 0px;

.parent div.visible {
  opacity: 1;
  width: 100%;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="parent">
  <div class="child1 visible">I'm 60px tall and visible; my parent is 100px tall</div>
  <div class="child2">I'm 80px tall and hidden until needed</div>
  <div class="child3">I'm 100px tall and hidden until needed</div>

<button onclick="show('child1')">Child 1</button>
<button onclick="show('child2')">Child 2</button>
<button onclick="show('child3')">Child 3</button>

Answer №2

How to conceal elements using the opacity property by setting it to 0 for hidden and 1 for visible, while ensuring that the parent container adjusts its height based on the tallest child.

Refer to the code snippet below for implementation:

.parent { position:relative; border:2px solid red; display:flex  }
.c { border:2px solid blue; }
.child1 { height:60px; }
.child2 { height:80px; }
.child3 { height:100px; }
<div class="parent">
    <div class="c child1">I'm 60px tall and visible; my parent is 100px tall</div>
    <div class="c child2">I'm 80px tall and hidden until needed</div>
    <div class="c child3">I'm 100px tall and hidden until needed</div>

<button class="btn">Show Next Child</button>

<script src=""></script>

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