Is there a way in CSS to set a label's width equal to the width of its content?

I am facing an issue where I need the question mark div to be positioned right next to the top row of text in the label it is associated with. Can someone suggest some styles that can be applied to the label to adjust the width and spacing so that it matches the inner text perfectly? Click here for a screenshot of the problem

Below is the HTML code (working in Angular) where the display flex on the container div is causing the question mark to stay on the same line:

<div class="component-container">
    class="checkbox-{{ checkboxSize }}"
    class="font-{{ labelSize }} {{ labelColor }} {{ fontClass }}"
    >{{ labelText }}</label>
  <div class="extra-content">

I have tried giving the label element the style word-break: break-all but I prefer to keep the label breaking on words. I also experimented with different display properties on both the label and parent div, as well as various flex-shrink and flex-wrap styles, without any success...

Answer №1

I am not quite clear on your question about it being "equal to the width of the inner text," but if you want a label's width to match its content width, you can achieve this by adding the following CSS to the label:

width: 100%;

This should do the trick. Your label's CSS code would then look something like this:

.custom-container .label {
  width: 100%;
  //other styles for the label

Answer №2

Give this method a try:

Here is the HTML code snippet:

 <label><input type="checkbox" value="" />Foobaar<span class="icon">?</span></label>


And here is the related CSS code:

.icon {
  font-size: 10px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0%;

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