Clipped Words & Silhouettes

I'm having trouble ensuring the text in this particular example displays correctly. I am experiencing challenges with the clipping of text and shadows on certain letters, and I'm struggling to identify the root cause as well as the solution.

In order to fully grasp the issue, please refer to this jsfiddle (Removed). Please remember to refresh the jsfiddle once it loads, as the initial letter clipping may not be visible until then.

The main problem arises when the 'F' letter and its shadow are clipped upon loading (after refreshing). When you hover over the text, 'Second' will appear; however, upon mouseout, the first word reappears but now with the 't' shadow being clipped.

I am unable to figure out how to rectify these issues. Could someone kindly assist me in resolving these clipping bugs? Thank you, Bill

UPDATE: I managed to solve the 'F' letter clipping problem (updated jsfiddle); however, I still require assistance with the 't' clipping issue - Thanks, Bill

BUMP - Anyone available to help? Pretty Please - Bill

Answer №1

The issue at hand pertains to the way in which fonts are displayed on a screen. Some fonts, like the one being used here, have serifs that go beyond the actual letter itself. In standard typography, this is managed by allowing the rendering area to exceed the boundaries of the letter, as most applications do not enclose each letter within a box.

It appears that the problem arises from treating each letter as a <span>, resulting in them having individual boxes. The JavaScript code then interferes with properties such as opacity, overflow, and positioning, leading to the CSS rendering enclosing each <span> within a box during the render process.

To resolve this, I recommend refraining from specifying explicit widths and overflows for the spans, and instead allow them to adjust their size automatically while controlling absolute positioning.

If all spans have consistent z-index values and are properly spaced, without any excessive styling applied, it should prevent any clipping issues you are encountering.

An update concerning the font rendering issue has been made: When the CSS plugin makes individual letters partially transparent, they are unable to extend beyond their designated boxes, resulting in clipping problems.

To address this, expanding the size of the boxes sufficiently to avoid clipping and allowing them to overlap should solve the issue. This involves adding adequate padding to the right and left sides of the letters to accommodate their full expression, followed by adjusting with negative margins to realign the letters.

For this particular font and size combination, the following style adjustment may prove effective:

.lslide_wrap a span {
    /* Add the following 2 lines: */
    padding: 0 100px 0 22px;
    margin-left: -22px;

You can access an updated version of the original jsFiddle here.

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