In Internet Explorer, transitions do not always play correctly when using ng-animate and ng-if

I am facing an issue with a simple div that has a transition effect. It goes from a yellow background to a red one.

<div class="bar" ng-class="{'bar-visible': vm.visible}">

The transition works smoothly when the bar-visible class is added to the div.

Everything functions correctly in Chrome and IE.

However, when I add a wrapper div around it, the transition stops working on Internet Explorer (tested with IE10).

<div class="bar--wrapper" ng-if="vm.visible">
    <div class="bar" ng-class="{'bar--visible': vm.visible}">

I have tried including ngAnimate in this case. While it resolves the issue in Chrome, in IE, the red div appears immediately without playing the transition. There are no transitionstart (IE only) or transitionend events triggered.

You can see the problem illustrated in this plunker:

Does anyone know what might be causing this issue?

Answer №1

This code snippet showcases an example with two similar boxes added to your existing setup. Check it out here

<div ng-if="vm.visible">
  <div class="animate-box animate-if">
    <h2>Inner Class</h2>
<div  class="animate-box animate-if" ng-if="vm.visible">
    <h2>Outer Class</h2>

The "Outer" animation works smoothly on both Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers.

However, Chrome handles the child animation for "Inner" more logically compared to Internet Explorer's behavior in this scenario.

When closing, neither the parent nor the child animations work as expected due to zero delay in removing the parent element.

It's worth noting that IE and Chrome seem to behave consistently based on the information provided at this resource

The CSS styles applied include:

.animate-box {
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  background-color: red;
} {
  transition: all 3s linear;
}, {
  background-color: yellow;
  opacity: 0;
}, {
  background-color: red;
  opacity: 1;

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