Restore the initial content of the div element

Currently, I am utilizing the .hide() and .show() functions to toggle the visibility of my page contents. Additionally, I am using the .HTML() function to change the elements inside a specific div.

$('#wrap').html(' <span id="t-image"> </span> <span id="t-info"> </span>');

By executing this code snippet, the contents within the wrap div will be replaced with

<span id="t-image"> </span> <span id="t-info"> </span>

Is there a method to revert back to the original contents that were previously stored in the wrap div? Alternatively, are there any other techniques available that would allow for loading the previous contents later on?

Answer №1

To keep track of the previous HTML content, you can store it within the data property of the element:

var $container = $("#container");
// Save current HTML
$"previous_html", $container.html());
// Update HTML 
$container.html(' <div id="image"></div> <div id="info"></div>');
// Restore previous HTML

Answer №2

To insert additional text using jQuery, you can utilize the append() method.

 $("#container").append("<strong>Additional Text</strong>");

By doing this, the new content will be added after the current contents of the container.

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